Project Dorm Room: Welcome Packages

Empower College Going Foster Youth 

Ready to Succeed Project Dorm Room, (Jeff Lewis)

As part of Ready to Succeed’s Project Dorm Room, we’re excited to introduce an easy way to get involved this back-to-school season: creating “welcome packages” for college-bound, former foster youth. This project is DIY and a great activity for families and groups. Each welcome pack should cost no more than $25. All packages can be delivered to the RTS office on Saturday, June 1 or Saturday, June 8. Sign up below!


Why are Welcome Packages Important?

Starting college is a significant milestone filled with challenges and opportunities, especially for former foster youth who often embark on this journey without a traditional support network. By assembling welcome packages, you provide not just snacks and self-care items but also much-needed emotional support through personalized notes of encouragement. These packages send a powerful message to the students that they are supported and valued by a community that believes in their potential.

What to Include in the Welcome Package?

Text describing items to include in Project Dorm Room Welcome Packages

Get Involved: Simple Steps to Create Impactful Welcome Packages

  1. Sign-up: click here to sign up online.
  2. Gather items: Purchase items that are indispensable for any college student—take a look at our suggestions above! Remember, each pack should cost no more than $25.
  3. Add a Personal Touch: Write a heartfelt message to inspire and uplift the student who will receive your package. A few encouraging words can make a big difference!
  4. Pack and Send Your Package: Once your package is ready, pack it in a shoebox for easier transport and storage (items will be shared with students in a reusable box or bag). Deliver it to the Ready to Succeed office on Saturday, June 1 or Saturday, June 8.

Why This Matters Now More Than Ever

Project Dorm Room welcome packages not only fill a practical need but also build confidence among students who need it the most. Your support helps ensure that transitioning to college is an exciting, hopeful experience for every Ready to Succeed Scholar.

Join Us Today in Building a Brighter Future

We can’t wait for you to join us this year for Project Dorm Room. Every welcome package is a step towards changing lives and redefining futures. Looking for more ways to get involved? Click here to check out some other easy ways to help with Project Dorm Room this summer.

Donate Now to Project Dorm Room and ensure every student has the resources they need to succeed.