Founded in 2020, the McCabe Impact Fellowship provides select RTS Scholars with paid project-based fellowships. Participants gain critical work experience and build their professional networks.

RTS Scholars are eager to make real change and bring their voice and ideas to social impact organizations. However, learning experiences like these are often limited and unpaid.

The McCabe Impact Fellowship solves this problem by providing paid experiences with innovative partners.

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Fellows Served

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Stipends Earned

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Hours Worked

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Impact Partners

When you Partner with RTS – it’s a win-win for all!

Service partners build a diverse and inclusive workforce, supporting the next generation of civic minded leaders to give back to their communities and support your mission.

Partners support scholars in gaining the right tools and skills they need to be competitive candidates, getting them Ready to Succeed.

Become an Impact Partner

How the Fellowship works:


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Partners provide a 10-12 week experiential learning opportunity for an RTS Scholar to successfully build their skill set, gain relevant industry/role experience and expand their professional network.


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RTS will select the best Fellow(s) from our scholar pool. You’ll interview each candidate and decide what works best for your organization.


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RTS will provide stipend funding of $3,000-$4,000 depending on the Fellowship experience.

What Partners Say About Our Scholars!

Become a Impact partner

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Want to Learn More?

If you have any questions or just want to say hello.
