RTS Advisor, Betsy spreads her pizza wings
Please welcome Betsy Peña, one of the newest members of the RTS Staff Career Advisors team. Originally from Anaheim, Betsy is a UCI alum (go Anteaters!).
As a first-generation college student, Betsy is strongly committed to RTS’s mission and passionate about supporting students from underserved backgrounds.
She firmly believes that one conversation, interaction, or experience can help students launch their goals in a positive trajectory. Betsy’s “one” was her first supervisor, who eventually became her mentor and friend.
What to you is the most meaningful/impactful part of your job?
The most meaningful part of my job is being a witness to our scholars’ growth – it’s fulfilling to watch them bit by bit actualize their goals.
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I feel like I’m a pretty open book so there’s not much, but one thing most people don’t know about me might be that in another life I’d be a food and travel blogger.
Anything else you’d like supporters of RTS to know?
RTS has become such a pillar of support in our Scholars’ lives and that’s been made possible with your support, so THANK YOU for all that you do.