Maripau P.
Undergrad Degree: Political Science & Global Studies, Pre-Law UCLA
About: As a former undocumented immigrant, Maripau is very passionate about politics, social justice, and enacting change through increasing accessibility to the law. She is currently attending Berkeley Law on a full ride.
Relevant Legal Experience: Currently, Maripau is interning at the National Center for Youth Law, as a legal assistant at California Legal Counsel, a personal injury and criminal law focused firm, Maripau managed all casework, records, and finances for the office. As a Justice Corps member at LA Superior Court, Maripau served as a legal assistant providing free legal information in family law to communities who are self-representing themselves in court. Maripau has also done independent research on public perception of immigrants throughout different age groups and an honors thesis on US Refugee Policy.
Relevant Other Experience: Maripau held several administrative office positions: as an RA, she was responsible for 103 student residents and gained program planning skills, counseling skills, time-management, and crisis-handling skills. She has also academically counseled over 350 incoming students and their families, garnering professional development and public speaking skills.