Investing in Yourself

Starting as an RTS Scholar in 2017, Gloria, who you met earlier, graduated from UCLA. Now, she’s a wealth manager at LourdMurray.

In college, Gloria worked with her RTS career advisor to embrace her story, not change it to fit a narrative. This opened up many opportunities for her. Reflecting on RTS’ biggest influence, Gloria shared:

“Learning to tell my story, network, and get access to internships opened a career path in finance I never knew was available for me.” 

Over the last month, Gloria has been leading workshops on financial fluency for current RTS Scholars. They’ve learned everything from budgeting strategies to the ins and outs of retirement accounts. Her dedication and passion for helping the next generation is inspiring.

While Gloria’s story now is all about giving back, she also has some solid money management tips that might surprise you.

When we sat down with Gloria, she shared three tips with us on money management.

  • Progress Over Perfection
    • No one is perfect. Acknowledge what you don’t know and start planning and learning. Managing money is a skill that takes time to develop.
  • Create Awareness of Your Money
    • Keep your money close. Check your bank statements and income streams regularly. This helps you create a proper budget.
  • Time is Your Best Friend
    • Start saving and investing young. The earlier you start, the more you benefit from compounding interest. But remember, it is never too late to start!

Gloria’s passion has made a big impact on the current generation of RTS Scholars. Your generosity has created a community where supporters and Scholars empower each other. Here’s to the amazing community you’ve helped build!