Brendan C.
Degree: Marketing Management, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Current Position: Management Trainee, Penske
Relevant Experience: Brendan has experience in digital and social media marketing, direct sales, and marketing campaign development. One of Brendan’s first sales jobs was as a rep for one of the largest home security system companies in the U.S. He traveled to five cities in Alaska to pitch camera and security products to customers door-to-door. He sold over $12,000 of merchandise through personal sales tactics, and participated in hands on sales training, which involved speaking in front of large groups and having to quickly adapt and gain the trust of potential customers. At Icelandic Glacial and Workshop Inc., Brendan conducted competitive analysis and marketing campaign development. In digital marketing, he completely redesigned a non-profit’s website through FireSpring software, which led to a more user-friendly design.
Skills: Canva, Constant Contact, FireSpring website software, Google SEO